Once upon a time, many, many years ago.......... Once upon a time, many, many years ago..........in every culture upon the planet, humans have used storytelling as an effective means of passing information from one generation to the next. Why? Stories connect with our emotional and inquisitive side, if told well, they hold your attention and imagination. Most of us have had the pleasure of telling 'made-up' fictional stories to children at bedtime, seeing the calm, inquisitive and totally engrossed body language, when normally the child only operates at 100 miles per hour! Stories are the oldest form of learning & development, due to the emotional connection that stories trigger, retention of information vastly increases. In the modern world this form of interaction is reflected in numerous forms - Films, Books, TV, Social Interactions, Games etc. and more importantly still covers all ages and cultures. Do we use storytelling in the modern business environmen...
A Blog about Game Based Learning