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Showing posts from April, 2017

Applio attend - TVS 2017 CONFERENCE

Applio to demonstrate the 'Stop The Pressure' Healthcare Game at TVS 2017 The TVS (Tissue Viability Society) 2017 Conference is to be held at the  Edgbaston Cricket Stadium which is located 5 minutes away from  Birmingham City Centre and is the second largest cricketing venue in the UK!  The venue is unlike any other in Birmingham and has modern and  outstanding facilities, with all rooms facing out onto the wonderful ground to  allow for productivity and creativity to flow! Applio will be exhibiting on Stand 50 - Please come along and say hello,  we will  be armed with numerous Tablets to demonstrate our 'Stop the Pressure'  Game  Based Learning experience that is used to help train any healthcare personnel in the subject of Pressure Ulcers.  'Stop the Pressure' was created in partnership with the NHS

Mapping Work to Play....

Work and play are more similar than you might think, the power of Games utilised in the correct way, can have a major impact within an organisation - Create Engagement, Generate Action, Deliver Change. Be A Game Changer!