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Showing posts from March, 2017

Applio advertise at the prestigious Birmingham City ICC Convention Centre & Announce access to WebGL content

Applio is fast becoming a well known name within the Game Based Learning market, the unique offering of the Applio platform that allows Game Based Learning experiences to be built in hours rather than weeks, is getting noticed! Applio Advertise at Prestigious Birmingham ICC Convention Centre The ICC is a truly world-class venue based in the centre of Birmingham UK -. the Applio advert is a simple 10 second advert that will be displayed 300 times per day, for a number of weeks, the ICC attracts a footfall of about 350,000 people per day! Here is a link to the trailer - enjoy! On another note, working closely with the NHS is the UK, Applio has just launched access to the 'Stop The Pressure Ulcer' Game Based experience, Applio would like to personally thank all of the people in the NHS who gave up their valuable time to help with this experience - Stop The Pressure is available as a demo via the web (using WebGL - Beta) - you can sign-up of this Game Based Le...