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Showing posts from 2017

GDPR - Suite of Game Based Learning Experiences

GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation Information Commissioners Office  this is a link to the ICO, they have published a wealth of information in relation to GDPR. A brief note from the ICO: GDPR will apply in the UK from 25 May 2018. The government has confirmed that the UK’s decision to leave the EU will not affect the commencement of the GDPR. The ICO is committed to assisting businesses and public bodies to prepare to meet the requirements of the GDPR ahead of May 2018 and beyond. We acknowledge that there may still be questions about how the GDPR would apply in the UK on leaving the EU, but this should not distract from the important task of compliance with the GDPR. With so many businesses and services operating across borders, international consistency around data protection laws and rights is crucial both to businesses and organisations, and to individuals. The ICO’s role has always involved working closely with regulators in other countries, and that will...

Why the Applio Game Based Learning Platform achieves the Required Return On Investment.

Mental Health Prevention & Innovation Workshop

West Midlands Academic Health Science Network Applio was invited to a Mental Health Prevention & Innovation Workshop on 16th May 2017 at ICentrum  Birmingham - which is a really cool venue. OK, so I'm going to be honest - we are a start up and the workshop was to look at how digital technologies could be used to assist with early intervention in mental health in Birmingham. I have to say the whole experience was highly 'moving' - I and you and everyone else have our issues, problems, daily concerns, pressures - I have to say that Mental Health is a real concern and a concern that can be improved - easily, well, easily if the right interventions are joined up and collaborated in true partnership, linking ALL of the relevant agencies together an a cohesive way. Sounds like a political broadcast.............. Anyway to get to the point, Applio is going to look and work with the consortium that is trying to change the way we address Mental Health and I hop...

Applio attend - TVS 2017 CONFERENCE

Applio to demonstrate the 'Stop The Pressure' Healthcare Game at TVS 2017 The TVS (Tissue Viability Society) 2017 Conference is to be held at the  Edgbaston Cricket Stadium which is located 5 minutes away from  Birmingham City Centre and is the second largest cricketing venue in the UK!  The venue is unlike any other in Birmingham and has modern and  outstanding facilities, with all rooms facing out onto the wonderful ground to  allow for productivity and creativity to flow! Applio will be exhibiting on Stand 50 - Please come along and say hello,  we will  be armed with numerous Tablets to demonstrate our 'Stop the Pressure'  Game  Based Learning experience that is used to help train any healthcare personnel in the subject of Pressure Ulcers.  'Stop the Pressure' was created in partnership with the NHS

Mapping Work to Play....

Work and play are more similar than you might think, the power of Games utilised in the correct way, can have a major impact within an organisation - Create Engagement, Generate Action, Deliver Change. Be A Game Changer!

Applio advertise at the prestigious Birmingham City ICC Convention Centre & Announce access to WebGL content

Applio is fast becoming a well known name within the Game Based Learning market, the unique offering of the Applio platform that allows Game Based Learning experiences to be built in hours rather than weeks, is getting noticed! Applio Advertise at Prestigious Birmingham ICC Convention Centre The ICC is a truly world-class venue based in the centre of Birmingham UK -. the Applio advert is a simple 10 second advert that will be displayed 300 times per day, for a number of weeks, the ICC attracts a footfall of about 350,000 people per day! Here is a link to the trailer - enjoy! On another note, working closely with the NHS is the UK, Applio has just launched access to the 'Stop The Pressure Ulcer' Game Based experience, Applio would like to personally thank all of the people in the NHS who gave up their valuable time to help with this experience - Stop The Pressure is available as a demo via the web (using WebGL - Beta) - you can sign-up of this Game Based Le...